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OZMO once again among the FOCUS top physicians in Germany

Prof. Dr. med. habil. Peter Diehl and Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. habil. Johannes Schauwecker are once again among the FOCUS Top Doctors in Germany in 2022.

OZMO - Ärzteteam - Dr. Peter Diehl - Focus Auszeichnungen 2023 - Nur Plakete
OZMO - Ärzteteam - Dr. Johannes Schauwecker
OZMO - Ärzteteam - Dr. Johannes Schauwecker - Focus Auszeichnungen 2023 - Nur Plakete

Good news in special times! The two OZMO specialists Prof. Dr. med. habil. Peter Diehl and Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. habil. Johannes Schauwecker are in

Both are experienced, highly qualified physicians – both awarded the seal “Top Physician 2023” – the Orthopedic Center Munich East congratulates.

Excellent in the truest sense of the word. Both were awarded the Top Physician seal by FOCUS. Professor Peter Diehl in the “Sports Orthopedics” category and Dr. Johannes Schauwecker in the “Hip Surgery” category – each for the whole of Germany. This is the result of an extensive study conducted by the independent research institute MINQ on behalf of the news magazine FOCUS.

Prof. Diehl is a specialist in orthopedics and trauma surgery and specializes in minimally invasive shoulder and knee joint surgery as well as conservative therapies with bio-repairs (autologous plasma, hyaluronic acid).

Dr. Schauwecker is also a specialist in orthopedics and trauma surgery with a treatment focus on the hip and knee, in particular the use of artificial hip and knee joints, but also specializes in all joint-preserving therapy options.

The independent research institute Munich Inquire Media (MINQ) identifies Germany’s leading medical professionals. In order to be included in a FOCUS-GESUNDHEIT physician list, physicians must meet the minimum requirements set by MINQ. In particular, there must be above-average results for colleague and patient referrals. The minimum requirements and quality criteria can be viewed here: