Spondylolisthesis can be treated both conservatively and surgically, as can many other spinal conditions. Pain management, physical therapy and regular exercise are among the conservative therapies that can help with spondylolisthesis. Our doctors also offer acupuncture as a conservative form of therapy at the Orthopedic Center Munich East. Fine needles are pricked into the so-called meridians, so to speak the guiding paths of the body. Especially as an alternative form of pain therapy, acupuncture has proven its worth, as it is also associated with fewer side effects.
Modern corsets, which can minimize spinal instability, are another conservative form of therapy. Gait and posture can also be improved by wearing special corsets. Once stability has returned, the orthosis can be gradually “weaned off” and more freedom of movement is created.
If conservative therapy does not show the desired success, surgical intervention can be performed. At our Orthopedic Center Munich East, we perform dynamic stabilization of the spine. This surgery makes it possible to restore the natural range of motion of the spine and provide stability. Depending on the formation of the degeneration, different systems can be used for dynamic stabilization.
In very rare cases, if no other surgical method can be used, spinal fusion is also an option. At our Orthopedic Center Munich East, we use all modern minimally invasive procedures (including dynamic procedures), such as transcutaneous plif, a minimally invasive form of spinal fusion. Spinal fusion can be performed directly through the skin, requiring only several small incisions. The screws are then inserted through the incisions made, with the help of which the vertebrae are stiffened together.